March Field Air Fest
March Field Air Fest
by John Thow
Billed as Thunder over the Empire, the March Field Air Fest plays host to a nice group of aircraft and other attractions. In the years that we’ve attended the show, it typically includes the USAF Thunderbirds, F-22 Demo Team, and flight demos from a variety of military and civilian performers. There is also a wide variety of static displays including aircraft from their nearby museum alongside C-5M Super Galaxy, C-130, C-17, C-40, A-10, F-16s, and more.
In addition to the flying, we have seen a variety of side acts like Robosaurus ripping apart cars and a jet-powered ambulance. We will post upcoming show dates as they are available in our Air Show Calendar.
This show gets busy, get there early and be ready to wait in a long security line. The line will move much faster if everyone remembers not to bring banned items to the show. See the show site for what is and is not allowed.

F-22 Raptors, available for the Demo Team for flight demo at March Field. John Thow ©

Boeing C-17 Globemaster III at March Field in Riverside, CA. Photo: John Thow

The Thunderbirds taxi back after their performance through the Riverside haze and heat. Photo: John Thow ©

A-10 Thunderbolt II from Battle Creek Photo: John Thow ©

Thunderbirds F-16 during pre-flight checks Photo: Dan Thow ©

Thunderbirds walking back to meet the crowd after the show. Photo: © Dan Thow

Washing the windows and checking the oil during a pre-show service of the F-15E Strike Eagle. Photo: © John Thow